Calcium As A Weight Loss Supplement?


The internet is full of weight loss fads. Just last week, Dr. Oz did a show on HCG and declared it a risky idea. One thing he said struck me: There was no science supporting the idea that HCG can help you lose weight. Yet there were people who were willing to pay $800 for a 12 week treatment with it.

I’ve been overweight and I totally understand that desire. But what those people don’t understand is there is something with much more science behind it, that costs a LOT less money.

How Calciology™ Helps You Lose Weight

 Most people don’t think of Calciology™ as a weight loss supplement. But nearly every ingredient has solid scientific evidence behind it’s ability to help you lose weight – a lot more evidence than most weight loss supplements have. for instance:

  • Calcium: multiple studies have shown that higher calcium intakes lead to weight loss, perhaps because calcium consumption favors burning rather than storing fat
  • Vitamin D: higher levels of vitamin D going into a diet has been shown to predict greater success with weight loss, especially in losing abdominal fat. In another study women taking calcium and vitamin D were significantly less likely to gain weight, and lost more weight than women on a placebo.
  • Magnesium: without proper magnesium, you wont’ have the energy to exercise as your cells can’t burn the fuel they need without it. It also helps the body absorb and utilize the nutrients you consume and ensures proper insulin function – improper insulin response is often a main culprit in weight gain.
  • Vitamin C: research done at Arizona State University found that people with higher levels of vitamin C in their blood are correspondingly slimmer around the waist with better BMI and less fat in the blood. This was found to be because higher levels of vitamin C in the blood meant subjects burned fat at a faster rate during exercise.  
  • Vitamin K: again, insulin response is directly tied to weight levels. Studies have found that supplementing with vitamin K can improve insulin response within the first week.
  • Lysine: It’s essential to the process of converting fatty acids into energy.

As you can see, Calciology™ has more evidence behind it’s ability to help you lose weight than most weight loss supplements. And, of course, it’s much better for your overall health than a hormone shot and a 500-calorie-a-day diet.

And the science is even stronger that if you (like most of America) are deficient in any of these nutrients, any weight loss effort you make will be much more difficult.


  1. health1st says:

    I was recommended HCG by a parishioner after being amazed of
    her weight loss in such a short period of time. I am not recommending this product nor endorsing HCG but I will say
    that in combination with the food plan and drops, I was never
    hungry and lost 15 lbs. in 20 days. I could’nt continue the
    plan due to long term antibiotics and the effects both would have on my liver. HCG is only recommended in 35-40 day increments anyway. I am on this site looking for a non-invasive althernative product like raspberry ketones and
    I am looking for any side effects this product may have?
    Any suggestions?

    • Geek7 says:

      Hi Health1st. HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) is a hormone that is only produced in pregnant women. Interestingly, HCG is the hormone which triggers positive pregnancy test results. It has been suggested that HCG protects lean muscle and targets fat deposits, but this is scientifically unproven. All of the studies I have seen have used HCG in conjunction with a low calorie diet (some as low as 500 calories per day). Of course this is going to make you drop the weight.

      I would be remiss if I didn’t state that HCG is neither safe nor efficient as a weight loss product, according to both the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition and the Journal of American Medical Association.

      Since I’m not a doctor, I really can’t recommend one product over another. I would definitely suggest you speak with a licensed dietician or your primary healthcare provider to get the best program tailored to your body’s specific needs. Best of Luck to you!!

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