Probiotics Benefit Oral Health


A new study has found yet another way Probiotics contribute to overall health.

Researchers in Spain looked at the effects of probiotics on gingivitis, bad breath and cavity development.

They found that some of the probiotics showed promise – either alone or as part of a formula – for improving oral health.
Several strains of lactobacillus bacteria were isolated in the study.
Researcher said, “In this work lactic acid bacteria which possess good functional probiotic properties, such as antimicrobial activity against oral pathogens, ability to aggregate and to adhere to oral tissues or high tolerance to oral environmental stress factors were isolated and characterized.”
“These lactic acid bacteria show promising properties to be used as potential probiotics for improving oral health,” they concluded.
Translated to English, that means probiotics such as lactobacillus acidophilus and others can help keep your teeth and gums healthier and help you have fresher breath.
Is there anything these critters don’t affect? Probably not. Every system in our body is affected by our digestion. Having the right strains can combat depression, control appetite, and a whole lot more.
Of course, this only happens if you get the strains that have been shown to deliver these benefits.

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