Protein and Body Fat


A new study has been published in the Journal of the American Medical Association that sheds a lot of light on how what kind of food you eat impacts your weight. And it explains why some diets can actually make it even harder for you to lose weight.

In this video, the Lead Study Author explains the study and their findings:

Important takeaways:

  • Not getting enough protein in your diet depletes your muscle mass, even if you’re overeating. When you have less muscle mass, your metabolism gets slower. It becomes harder for you to lose weight when you do try.
  • Calories still matter. If you want to maintain your weight, or lose weight, you have to consume less or exercise more.
  • Therefore, lean protein options like fish or seafood, or lean cuts of meat, or lowfat cheeses or Greek Yogurt or lowfat cottage cheese are your best friends. Combine these with lots of heatlhy fruits and vegetables and complex carbs and you’ve got a winning diet!


  1. davidmreyes28 says:


  2. kristhiana says:

    Sorry,that was BASED on whey, etc. Are any of these products useful to anyone other than the manufacturer?

    • Geek1 says:

      I really don’t think there is a difference in type of protein – they didn’t mention so in the study. HOWEVER, as I say that I should also add that lower fat would be better than high fat. So I’d think eggs, cheese, whey proteins etc would probably be better than some beef. I’ve taken whey protein from GNC and it worked great. I think there is definitely some merit to them.

  3. kristhiana says:

    Thank you. Very helpful! My question is: Is the type of protein a factor? For instance, beef vs fowl, or rice and bean complete protein, nuts, whey powder, algae? Or maybe my question is can one live as well on a balanced protein diet of non-animal proteins as well as vegetarian (incl eggs, cheese), or even raw vegan? I see so many “health” drinks of protein powders baded on whey, pea, rice, etc, and claiming a whopping 30gms of protein and more.

    Thanks again for the info!

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