Study Claims Eggs Have Better Protein Than Other Breakfast Options


A recent study by the Pennington Biomedical Research Center showed that eating eggs for breakfast will make you more full than other breakfast proteins found in cereal. Though the study was funded by the American Egg Board, likely the arch nemesis of the European Bagel Council, it does reaffirm previous research on higher value and lower level proteins. The most important part of this research shows that it is the quality of the protein, not the quantity, that makes you less hungry throughout your day.

The study focused on 20 obese people and researched how their group’s breakfast affected their lunch time eating. Those who ate eggs at breakfast ate significantly less at lunch and reported feeling more full than those who ate a wheat breakfast. Not only did the study measure how they felt but also the actual physical effects. Researchers found that hormones that signal hunger were considerably lower and hormones that signal satiety were considerably higher among those who had egg breakfasts.

The reason for this, according to lead researcher Dr. Nikhil Dhurandhar, is that eggs provide the highest level of biological value – meaning they contain the ten essential amino acids, while cereal had a biological value of 42. Certainly makes sense considering eggs are entirely natural while cereals are processed.

Protein is a key element in hunger because it prevents spikes in your blood sugar. Eggs are by far the most filling breakfast food while choices like lean beef, fish, tofu, and nuts make for great protein-rich day time choices. Fiber is another food that will help you feel fuller without eating more, some great fiber-rich choices include beans, pears and apples, grapefruit, and green vegetables.

Going for high value protein and fiber food choices allows you to satisfy your hunger without consuming unnecessary calories. Just another reason to go with all-natural options at every meal rather than processed food that claims to have the same levels of protein and fiber.

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