Low Vitamin C Intake May Increase Chance of Stroke

vitcWhile Vitamin C may very well be the most popular vitamin in world of Vitamins, due its powerful immunity boosting properties, many people may still be suffering from deficiencies. C is a vital nutrient in supporting a healthy lifestyle and new research has found that low levels of Vitamin C, when combined with hypertension or a weight problem, can significantly increase your chance of stroke.

Researchers in Finland studied 2,419 middle-aged men over the course of 10 years in order to find the correlation between low Vitamin C levels and the risk of stroke. The study was adjusted based on age, body mass index, smoking, blood pressure, and cholesterol. During the course of the 10 years, 120 participants suffered a stroke and researchers discovered that the men with severely low levels of Vitamin C were more than twice as likely as those with a higher vitamin C levels to experience a stroke.

The study was specifically aimed at finding what contributes to the higher risk of stroke in men with low levels of Vitamin C. Researchers found that men who suffer from hypertension and have low levels of Vitamin C are at a significantly higher risk of a stroke than men with hypertension who don’t have low Vitamin C levels. They also found that men with a BMI over 25 with low Vitamin C levels were twice as likely to suffer from a stroke as normal weight men with high Vitamin C levels.

Researchers also point out the risk of low Vitamin C levels actually resulted in the development of hypertension. Vitamin C, an anti-oxidant, helps support a healthy circulatory system and prevent oxidation which can contribute to the development of hypertension.

Doctors recommend getting five servings of fruit and vegetables per day to keep your Vitamin C levels at their best, as well as other vitamins. Citrus fruits are far from the only food high in Vitamin C. Other rich in Vitamin C foods include guavas, peppers, leafy green vegetables, broccoli, cauliflower, kiwi, papaya, strawberries, cherries, Brussels sprouts, melons, and tomatoes. If you do not eat enough fruits and vegetables that are high in vitamin C, you could benefit from a vitamin C supplement.

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