Vitamin C Linked to Better Sleep


Getting a full night’s sleep isn’t just important to feel rested the next morning, it is crucial to keeping your metabolism and immune system functioning at their best and preventing problems like obesity, diabetes, and brain disorders.

Many people struggle to get enough sleep and turn to a huge variety of sleep aids from pills to melatonin capsules to herbal tea. Now, researchers at the University of Pennsylvania have found that Vitamin C and lypocene are both vital to getting a good night’s rest.

 The scientists found that people who slept the fewest hours also had the lowest Vitamin C and lypocene intake. They also found that people who slept the fewest hours had higher calorie intakes and diets with little variety. 

All of this reinforces the importance of getting as much fruit and vegetables of as many colors and groups as possible to ensure you’re not robbing your body of vital nutrients. Lypocene is a little talked about nutrient that is found in produce like tomatoes, watermelon, guava, grapefruit, asparagus, red cabbage, and papaya. All of those foods have Vitamin C as well but the most Vitamin C rich foods are citrus fruit, strawberries, cherries, kiwi, papaya, peppers, melon, brussel sprouts, broccoli, leafy greens, and tomatoes.

Some other nutrients that have been linked to better sleep are selenium and theobromine. Selenium, an oxidant that helps support a healthy immune system, can be found in food like nuts, seed, fish, beef, lamb, pork, chicken, turkey, eggs, mushrooms, grains, and onions. Theobromine is a compound that helps support a healthy nervous system. It can be found in chocolate and certain teas. 

Of course, despite the importance of these nutrients, most American adults fail to get the recommended amount of fruit and vegetables each day. Certain dietary supplements can help give you a Vitamin C, lypocene, or selenium boost if you aren’t consuming enough produce.

Learn more about the healthy effects of Vitamin C on your health at

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