Archive for Krill Oil

Omega-3: New Science Finds Multiple Health Benefits

Brain Health Supplements -

According to two studies recently published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, supplementing with omega-3 fatty acids may have anti-inflammation and cancer prevention benefits, as well proving beneficial for the heart.

In the first study performed at the Jilin University of China, tests showed that omega-3 supplements reduced the occurrence of a potentially damaging molecule called “sICAM-1” or “soluble intercellular adhesion molecule.” Reducing the amount of this element that circulates within your body can decrease your risk of atherosclerosis and other conditions that break down your cells.

Even more interesting was the evidence found in the second study. In this study from the National Institute of Health and Medical Research in Paris, it was found that supplementing your diet with omega-3 is a good idea when you want to fight back against the cancer-promoting qualities of “sICAM-1.”

The second study examined 408 cancer-stricken individuals and compared their stats against a control group of 760 healthy individuals. There was clearly a correlation between omega-3 levels and sICAM levels. Remarkably, there was no association between cancer and subjects with a higher intake of omega 3.

Researchers state that there are two primary ways that omega-3s might fight back against the risk of cancer. The first is by reducing the ability for adhesion molecules like sICAM-1 to express itself. The second is by disrupting the actual cancer-promoting pathway that ICAM stimulates.

So how much omega-3 should you be taking in supplement form? According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, you should not take more than about 3g per day in supplement form. The American Heart Association recommends taking between 1 and 3 g of omega-3 depending on the person’s age and health profile. Children younger than 18 years old should not take omega-3 supplements without doctor supervision.

Sugar Slows The Brain But Krill Oil Can Help


A new study by researchers at UCLA has found that diets high in sugar limit your brains memory and recall functions but similarly showed that the effects can be “off-set” by increasing the amount of omega-3 fatty acids in the diet.

The study, performed by Dr. Fernando Gomez-Pinilla and published in the Journal of Physiology, focused on the effects of sugar and high-fructose sweetener on learning abilities in lab animals. After six weeks, the researchers found that the ones given high amounts of fructose had difficulty remembering and thinking clearly while trying to escape a maze they have been learning every day. Meanwhile, the ones given the high-fructose diet along with omega-3 fatty acids via flaxseed and DHA were able to recall what they had learned and escape the maze much quicker than their sugar-high counterparts.

What does this mean for you? For one, it is wise to stop eating so much sugar! Aside from the obvious effect on weight, high amounts of regular sugar and especially high-fructose syrup in your diet damage your brain and interfere with your ability to think clearly and coherently.

Omega-3 fatty acids have long shown to have multiple positive effects on the brain. Numerous studies on DHA, docosahexaenoic acid, have shown that the omega-3 rich compound protects the chemical connections in your brain that allow for efficient and clear learning and recall. This study further reaffirms how important it is to supplement your diet with omega-3s to help protect your brain and body’s basic functions.

Even with all of the research vehemently pushing people to increase their omega-3 fatty acid intake, most Americans don’t have nearly enough in their system to really make a dent. Even people who have increased their dietary intake of omega-3s through fish, seeds, or eggs may not be getting enough to see the results. A great way to get the DHA you need to protect your brain, heart, and body is a daily krill oil supplement as it is more bioavailable than basic fish oil supplements.

Study Finds Omega-3 May Lower Alzheimer’s Risk


We have all heard of the countless benefits of consuming foods with omega-3, now you can add another big one: reduced risk of Alzheimer’s disease. According to a new study  by Columbia University’s Dr. Nikolaos Scarmeas, consuming high levels of omega-3 fatty acids lower your levels of a protein called beta-amyloid which is a major player in developing memory problems and Alzheimer’s. In fact, higher levels of omega-3 each day can lower your blood beta-amyloid levels by as much as 20-30%!

Researchers have suspected a link between omega-3 and decreased memory loss risks for a long time, this study, which was recently published in Neurology, is a major breakthrough for doctors studying the development of Alzheimer’s. The study looked at over 1,200 people over the age of 65 and more than 10 different nutrients. Those with particularly high levels of omega-3 intake had 20-30% lower levels of beta-amyloid than people with an average intake of omega-3 fatty acids.

This study focused on the blood but more research remains to be done on how the levels of beta-amyloid in the blood actually affect the levels in the brain. Testing blood levels is a fairly simple thing for any researcher to do, testing brain levels is not – but it is a necessary step in figuring out exactly how much omega-3 fatty acids actually affect your chances of developing memory problems and Alzheimer’s.

Omega-3 fatty acids have long been considered highly beneficial for a bevy of physical elements. The acids have been shown to help prevent cancer, improve blood circulation, reduce the risk of heart attack and other cardiovascular problems, prevent inflammation, and improve neurological function. Unfortunately, most Americans don’t get the recommended amount from diet alone and certainly don’t come close to the high levels of omega-3 needed to lower your beta-amyloid levels. Even adding more fish and other omega-3 containing foods like eggs and nuts may not be enough which is why you may want to consider supplementing your diet with krill oil capsules for the best results.

How to take Krill Oil

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With the popularity of this new supplement, we’ve had quite a few people asking how they should take it.  Here’s what we found:


For best results you should take 2 capsules daily with breakfast. If you miss a dose you can take them later in the morning but don’t take them too late as some people report this can cause trouble sleeping.

Store your Krill Oil at room temperature. They have a shelf life of up to 2 years and there is no need to refrigerate them. In fact, temperatures that are either too cold or too hot will break down the krill oil and they will not be as effective. So keeping them in a medicine cabinet or on a shelf is fine – best in fact.

If you’re taking krill oil specifically to lower your cholesterol, once your goal is reached you may consider going to a maintenance dose of 1 pill per day, but this isn’t absolutely necessary. Either way it’s something to discuss with your doctor.

Astaxanthin and Diabetes


Astaxanthin and Diabetes

Astaxanthin is a potent antioxidant that has been used extensively in Japan and other countries for eye fatigue, skin conditions, and muscle endurance, and it is gaining more of a following these days in the United States as well. We recently came across a remarkable animal study involving the antioxidant and diabetes. Scientists started treatment of Astaxanthin in this study on the subjects at 6 weeks of age. The effects of the antioxidant were evaluated at 10, 14, and 18 weeks.  In this study, Astaxanthin displayed very positive healing results, according to the scientists!


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Red W____ Krill Oil™ Is Back In Stock!


The month-long wait is finally over! Both aProvenProduct and report that the Red W____ Krill Oil™ manufacturer has shipped the long-awaited supply, and they expect fresh bottles to arrive today! (This is some of the freshest krill oil supplies you may ever see – the oil in these bottles was literally still swimming around the Antarctic Sea only a few weeks ago!) 

Between the two sites, roughly 1/3 of this week’s shipment is already pre-ordered. The next shipment is not scheduled until Mid-April. We understand everyone is trying to make sure there isn’t such an interruption again, but with demand continuing to escalate there are no guarantees. If you’ve thought about trying this product – which is our absolute favorite supplement in the world, bar none – you might not want to wait too long!

No More Red W____ Krill Oil!


For the most part, we stay out of any discussions about pricing or inventory on the websites that sell the products we recommend. But we’ve heard from both aProvenProduct and StillSmilin that demand for Red W____ Krill Oil has completely wiped out all inventory. A quick check of finds they’re sold out, too. And the manufacturer informs us that it will be almost a full month before they can ship a fresh supply!

Even then both websites say that advanced orders are coming in so fast that the next shipment may be nearly sold out even before it arrives.

What in the world has caused this incredible, sudden spike in demand? We’re not sure, but it might have something to do with Dr. Oz. Our articles on his krill oil flip-flop have gotten a lot of traffic.

And this is why we stay out of things like inventory and profits. Because if we’d known they were about to run out, would it have affected our decision to say what we said? We’d like to think not, but still… it’s better not to have to even consider it.

Both aProvenProduct and StillSmilin will take pre-orders if you’re interested in reserving a bottle from the next shipment.

But for those of you who won’t want to wait, here’s a reminder of what you want to see on your krill oil label, so that the “next best thing” isn’t a complete waste of your money:

Serving Size: 1,000 MG
Phospholipids: 400Mg or more
EPA/ DHA: 150MG/ 90MG or more
Astaxanthin: 1.5 MG or more

This is your minimum standard. Good luck and we’ll keep you posted!

Why Dr. Oz Can No Longer Be Trusted With Our Health


Today Dr. Mehmet Oz is giving away 8,000 bottles of brand-name krill oil on his website. On yesterday’s show, he proclaimed krill oil to be the “essential supplement” for cardiovascular health. So we would assume he would take his recommendations about such an important supplement very seriously.

Which is why we were so deeply disappointed over what Dr. Oz said next. Read more

Krill Oil Helps Heart Attack Recovery

heart health

Nobody wants to have a heart attack. But a new study suggests that if you do have one, you’ll recover better if you’ve been taking krill oil. Read more

Omega-3’s & Vitamins Keep Older Brains Healthy


Do we really have to give up bits of our cognitive functions to age? Apparently not. New research shows older adults with higher levels of certain nutrients in their blood performed better on measures of thinking abilities, and their brains had larger volumes. Read more