Archive for Public Content

Vitamin D May Slow Down the Aging Process

Vitamin D May Slow Down the Aging ProcessVitamin D is commonly known as the Sunshine Vitamin but it might soon be named the Anti-Aging Vitamin. How much do we love that!  As we all know, Vitamin D is important in absorbing other nutrients, supporting brain, bone, and skin health but new research shows that Vitamin D is especially important for people over 55. Read more

Omega-3 Fatty Acids May Reduce Risk of Breast Cancer


Is it just me or does it seem like everyone you know has jumped on the Omega-3 bandwagon? If you have noticed this trend then you are in good company, my friend. Omega-3 fatty acids are recommended by doctors all of the time, for just about everything. That’s largely due to the powerful anti-inflammatory effects Omega-3s provide. 

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Members-Only Content Now At RagTagAlive

In order to make things easier for those who are paid Rag-Tag Elite™ Members, we’ve decided to make a few changes. 

Starting now all content here at RagTagResearchGeeks will be free and available to the public. 

If you are a Rag-Tag Elite™ Member and want to access your Premium, Members-Only content – such as back issues of the RagTagAlive print newsletter, discount codes for aPP and, and more, all of that will now be available at: 

If you’re not a Member you can learn how to become one there as well. There is also a lot of great new content there that is open for public viewing so we hope you go check it out! 

Red Whale Krill Oil Gets A New Name

The end of Red Whale Krill Oil

From the beginning, it seemed to be a bit too confusing. 

The idea behind the name “Red Whale” Krill oil was just a bit too clever. Blue whales are the largest mammal on earth, and they eat krill. But since this krill oil has extra astaxanthin (the ingredient in algae that gives salmon and flamingos their distinctive color).. any whale that ate this krill would turn red. 

When we started recommending Red Whale Krill Oil it made sense to us. But Over the last couple years we’ve gotten dozens of questions from customers wondering what whales have to do with this product. Does it come from whales? Why red ones?

Then the search engines started flagging sites that sold the product. The automated “bots” that scan web content saw “whale” and “oil” in the same sentence and assumed the product was illegally selling whale oil. Not cool. 

For the record, there has NEVER been any whale content in this product. It’s always been 100% krill oil blend, plus some added astaxanthin from algae. 

Finally, the manufacturer was convinced that this name was a bad idea. It may have been great marketing (its definitely something people remember) but it had to change. And now it has. 

Introducing Black Label Krill Oil™

Black Label Krill OilThe new name seems to us to be a better description of the product. “Black Label” is often the premium version of a product. That certainly applies to this krill oil, which takes the highest quality krill oil (with a full 42% phospholipid content) and adds extra astaxanthin for maximum potency. 

Black Label Krill Oil™ is available all the same places you’ve come to know and trust: – Get Black Label Krill Oil™

aProvenProduct – Get Black Label Krill Oil™

StillSmilin – Get Black Label Krill Oil™

RagTagHealth – Get Black Label Krill Oil™

Why Being Happy Makes You More Successful

There is so much to glean in this video from! Our happiness is not determined by our circumstances, or our success, or any external situation. Rather, its in how our brain processes these situations. We can choose to be happy. 

Of course it sounds simplistic – in reality there’s no happiness switch you can flip. It does take work. But as you’ll see, being happy pays some big dividends!

Meat-Heavy Diets Can Rob You of Your Calcium


A new study by researchers at the University of Wisconsin shows that high-protein diets can rob your body of calcium, even if you get plenty in your system. In fact, the study further shows that vegetables are a better source of calcium than cow milk because it doesn’t have the same protein that would absorb the calcium that your bones should be getting.

The report specifically focused on the differences in bone density in vegetarians and omnivores and found, perhaps surprisingly, a higher bone density among the vegetarians. Dr. Neil Nedley claims this is further scientific evidence that shows a higher risk of osteoperosis and loss of bone density among people with high meat diets. Past studies have also shown that people who consume too much protein were likely to have the excess protein “leeching” calcium from the bones despite meeting the daily minimum calcium intake.

There are multiple other reasons that meat-heavy diets can lead to weaker bones. Calcium is required to simply neutralize the acids found in meat. Sulfur, which is found in high concentrations in meat, also prevents your body from properly absorbing calcium. High fat content which is found in meat also combines with calcium and is eliminated from the body rather than absorbing the calcium alone.

Researchers cited vegetables as a healthier source of dietary calcium than any animal product. Among the top protein sources are soybeans, greens, lentils, kale, turnip greens, hazelnuts, figs, and leafy greens that also have other beneficial properties like helping you prevent cancer. It is also important for meat eaters to consider adding a calcium daily supplement to your diet to increase your calcium levels and prevent your proteins from making you calcium-deficient.

Weight Lifting Linked to Alzheimer’s Prevention


It turns out weight lifting is not just great for your muscles, bones, and joints – it’s great for your brain too.

Several new studies show that weight lifting is not just a great way to keep your heart and body healthy, it’s also an important step in preventing dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

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How to Take Advantage of the Many Benefits of Chia Seeds


Chia seeds have been used for their health benefits for thousands of years dating back to the time of the ancient Mayans, but it is only recently that they’ve gained public interest.

The Truth About Osteoporosis in Men


Although we typically view osteoporosis as a disease most prevalent in women,

one in every five sufferers of osteoporosis are men. Roughly 2 million American men have osteoporosis and as many as 12 million are at risk of developing the disease. Luckily, The Clay Times Journal has some helpful tips on how men can reduce their risk and ensure that you avoid bone loss.

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Embrace The Shake

What limits you? Is it a busy schedule, a physical issue, or even a mental hangup?

In this inspiring TED video, Phil Hansen shows us how embracing what we think is a limitation could actually be the key to unlocking our creativity.


What will it mean for you to “embrace the shake?” Tell us in the comments below!