Are You Getting Enough Vitamin D to Prevent Cancer?


We’re constantly hearing about the various benefits of Vitamin D, and some of the most exciting news is that it can reduce the risk of many cancers.

So there’s this short little article that mentions that a lot of Americans don’t get enough vitamin D. Since we get our vitamin D from the sun, I know that a lot of you are shocked by this news. I mean, we all get plenty of sunshine, right? (Yeah, I know, this is another thing we hear a lot).

So how much Vitamin D do we need to reduce our cancer risk? And are we getting it?

But there’s a new study being published in February in the journal Anticancer Research that reveals that adults need daily intakes of 4,000 to 8,000 IU of vitamin D to reduce the risk of breast cancer, colon cancer, multiple sclerosis and type 1 diabetes in half.

However, researchers found that only 10% of Americans have vitamin D levels in this range, and it mostly exists in people who work outside.

So, what can you do if you don’t work outside? An easy, quick way to get vitamin D is through a supplement. Find out more about the multivitamin that we recommend that includes vitamin D, or the calcium supplement that includes vitamin D.

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