Vitamin D, the word is out!


Several studies were published recently about the health benefits of Vitamin D .  With the recent interest on the rise, our data on this fabulous nutrient continues to develop. You’ll be amazed to read what we found!


A few years ago scientists thought the only use for Vitamin D was to help with Calcium absorption. As we now know, there is a lot more involved. Experts tell us now that it’s helpful in improving the cardiovascular system, and the immune system. Studies have shown that it provides protection from hypertension, improves asthma symptoms, treatment of rickets, osteoporosis, Psoriasis, and muscle weakness. It is now thought of as one of the most essential vitamins.

And the message seems to be catching on.

Researchers from surveyed 10,000 supplement users from all over America. Half of all surveyed recounted vitamin D supplements were used, making it the third most common supplement taken, behind only multivitamins and fish oil.

This study also showed that the internet is quickly becoming the preferred place to purchase supplements, with 42.8 percent of respondents using online sites.

But does that mean people are getting the best option? Not necessarily.

Vitamin D3 is the most natural and absorbed form of Vitamin D.  According to this study, Vitamin D2 potency is less than one third that of Vitamin D3.  Vitamin D3 is synthesized when the sun hits your skin, so it’s considered to be the most natural. It’s also the form that will deliver the most benefits. 

Even if you get the right form of D, you may not know that it requires several supporting ingredients to be properly utilized. Vitamin D cofactors include calcium, magnesium, Vitamin K, zinc and boron.

Blood tests to measure Vitamin D levels are waning due to supplements containing Vitamin D being the standard now most widely used.  Is this a good thing?  We don’t think so.  It’s great that Vitamin D is becoming more widely used, but it’s also important to make sure we perform the proper vitamin testing to make sure the vitamin is being absorbed and utilized in our body as well.  The proper test for Vitamin D levels in the body is called 25-hydroxyvitamin D, or 25(OH)D, test.  If you have reason to think you might be vitamin D deficient, such as bone weakness, celiac disease, or other conditions that weaken the body’s ability to absorb Vitamin D.  If testing is not covered by insurance, out of pocket expenses for testing can range from $40 to almost $300. 

We also must be sure we take the correct form of vitamin D in our diet, along with the combination of other important nutrients to help with maximum absorption and maximum calcium benefit to your body. The vitamin D in fortified foods and a lot of supplements is most often D2 – not likely to make much of a difference for you.

But when you supplement with the right form (D3), and include D’s cofactors,  you create a Vitamin supplement that regulates Vitamin D receptors and helps it metabolize, allowing it to accomplish the miracle that it executes day-to-day in our bodies.


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