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The End of Black Label Krill Oil

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Apparently, all good things must come to an end. 

The manufacturer of Black Label Krill Oil has decided to discontinue it’s production. It seems that the formula is more expensive to produce than pure krill oil, and their profits are not as high with this product. 

At present, supplies are running very low. It won’t be long before the last production run is completely sold out. Prices are rising even now to reflect this lack of supply. 

We’ve searched for another product with a similar formula but came up empty. So, we decided to go in a different direction. 

Over the years the one main complaint we’ve gotten regarding Black Label has been the additives. Not just the added astaxanthin, but the manufacturer took fatty acid molecules from fish and added them to the krill oil to increase the amounts of EPA and DHA.

With that in mind, we searched for a pure krill oil with absolutely no additives of any kind. And one that was fresh and sustainably harvested. And we’ve discovered quite a treasure. 

Captains Krill Oil is a tiny company just like us. In fact, the entire operation happens on ship. Captains ships are fitted with small manufacturing facilities – facilities fully inspected and registered by the proper authorities – so that the product is harvested, extracted, encapsulated and bottled all within hours. 

Then it’s sold directly to select retailers – skipping a couple layers of distribution “middle men” that add several dollars to the final price of each bottle. So this krill oil is actually a good bit lower in cost than any we’ve recommended before. 

Find out about our latest krill oil recommendation here:

Facebook Censorship Can Happen To You


Jess is a single mother of 3, including a 7-year-old with autism. Right now, she’s scrambling to pay her bills and feed her children. And she isn’t alone. We had to let 7 great people go last month (that was half our staff). 

Why?  Because Facebook has banned us. We can’t advertise, we can’t link to our website – in fact, no one can, even you can’t link to our website within your posts. 

And Facebook won’t tell us why?

If you think that this is something that won’t affect you, think again.

It Can Happen To Anyone

Heather Walker faced every new mother’s worst nightmare: Her son Grayson was born with anencephaly, a fatal condition that leaves a baby born without various parts of the brain and skull. She was prepared for this, and had a professional photographer on hand to document Grayson’s few precious hours of life.

But when she shared those pictures on Facebook, her entire account was banned. The new Big Brother didn’t approve of them.

Marilyn McKenna is the wife of former Washington State Attorney General Rob McKenna. All she did was post a victorious pic of herself standing in one leg of a pair of pants she wore before losing 120 pounds. Still she, too, was banned from Facebook. Big Brother doesn’t like big weight loss.

Maybe that’s why Rag Tag Health wound up in their cross-hairs, maybe not. Whatever the reason, its time we all push back together.

Do you really want Facebook deciding what you can and can’t see?  

Tell Big Brother To Back Off

Big Brother Facebook needs to be told to end censorship NOW. This isn’t China, or the old Soviet Union.  This is America. An America that has been through the economic ringer over the last several years. And in a time when every job counts, we can’t afford to let arbitrary censorship keep people out of work.

 Will you help us bring Jess and the others back?

 Visit this link to write Facebook now: Choose “pages” from the dropdown menu. 

Tell them to un-ban We are an honest business with happy clients and those clients deserve the right to connect with us there.   

And you deserve the freedom to link and post however you want. Don’t wait until Big Brother doesn’t like one of your posts. Lets end Facebook censorship today!

Aspartame- Wreaking Health Havoc


Growing up, my mother’s house was a Mecca of natural health. She kept us away from the sodas and candy other kids were gorging themselves on. She always took the extra time to make us whole, unprocessed meals … often making bread from scratch and spending countless hours in her garden. She even cleaned with apple cider vinegar instead of chemical cleaners.

So when I went to visit recently, I was absolutely shocked at what I found in her cider-fresh kitchen.

My mom was getting her morning coffee as usual. But instead of pulling out a bottle of stevia or even organic palm sugar, she was reaching into a basket filled with little blue packets.

Of all things, she was sweetening her coffee with aspartame. My stomach dropped; I felt like Adam discovering Eve pulling fruit off the forbidden tree. There was no telling how long she had been using this chemical poison in her coffee.

I immediately became “Dr. Daughter,” and gave her a lengthy lecture full of the facts and figures you’re probably already aware of… like how aspartame leads to obesity, kills brain cells on contact, and can exacerbate multiple neurological diseases.

Now, my mom has a pleasant personality and received it all very well.  Thankfully, she threw the entire basket straight into the trash.

My mom might be safe now… but what about you? And how many other people in the U.S. are using aspartame, completely unaware of the dangers?

Americans Consume Millions of Pounds of Aspartame Per Year

According to the USDA, aspartame is used in at least 6000 products nationwide, including diet drinks, chewing gum, breath mints, pudding, hot chocolate, and especially food products aimed at children. They won’t release exactly how many pounds are consumed per year, but it is in the millions.

Brand names of aspartame include Equal, Nutrasweet (owned by Monsanto), Spoonful, and Equal-Measure. It was accidentally invented by James Schlatter in 1965 … when he was testing an anti-ulcer drug.

Aspartame is 50% phenylalanine, 40% aspartic acid, and 10% methanol.  It is also 200 times sweeter than sugar. These chemical ingredients explain why aspartame accounts for over 75% of the adverse reactions to food additives reported to the FDA.

The laundry list of these adverse reactions is huge, and includes:

  • Neurological problems, like migraines, memory loss, dizziness, seizures, vision problems, vertigo, depression, and anxiety attacks…
  • Heart problems, like tachycardia and heart palpitations…
  • Weight gain, rashes, breathing difficulty, and muscle spasms…
  •  And over 75 more!

The Chemical Breakdown

So many people are sensitive to aspartame because of the chemicals it’s made of.

It starts with phenylalanine—an amino acid found naturally in the brain.  Aspartame increases the level of phenylalanine to unnaturally high levels, causing seratonin to decrease, and increases susceptibility to seizures.(1) (That’s why you see phenylalanine labeled clearly on any food containing it.) Low levels of serotonin can cause depression.

Aspartame is 40% aspartic acid (or aspartate). Aspartate is a known “excitotoxins,” meaning it literally excites brain cells and nerves to death. Many chronic illnesses have been linked to excitotoxins, including multiple sclerosis, ALS, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and brain lesions.

Lastly, 10% of aspartame is methanol.  In the human body, methanol turns to formaldehyde.  Formaldehyde is a heavy duty preservative (that’s why they use it in science class for preserving dead things in glass jars). Because of that, your body can’t break it down. When ingested, it lodges deep into your cells and wreaks havoc on delicate proteins and DNA replicators.

Formaldehyde is a known carcinogen, or cancer-causing agent.  It can also cause intense migraine headaches and eye damage as well as birth defects. (2)

It Doesn’t Stop There…

The process used to create aspartate and phenylalanine is just appalling.

Monsanto, the company behind NutraSweet, creates aspartame from the excrement of genetically-modified bacteria. (3)

Here is an excerpt from the official patent on how aspartame is made:

“The well-fed E. coli cultures defecate the proteins that contain the aspartic acid-phenylalanine amino acid segment needed to make aspartame. . . . The proteins containing the Asp-Phe segments are ‘harvested’ (i.e. lab assistants collect the bacteria’s feces).” (4)

I don’t know about you, but I don’t want bacteria turds in my coffee!

Aspartame is quite possibly THE most dangerous sweetener being added to our food supply.

If you know someone who is constantly having health problems and enjoys too much diet soda, I give you permission to be “Dr. Daughter” (or Dr. Friend… Dr. Sister…) and let them know that aspartame may be the reason for their suffering.

Then… reclaim their Mecca of natural health and throw it in the trash.


(1) Mabson G. Epilepsy Study Incriminates Aspartame in Medications. Epileptic Foundation of Maui.

(2) Jacob S. Formaldehyde, Aspartame, and Migraines: A Possible Connection. Dermatitis. June 2008.

(3) Woolf M. World’s Top Sweetener is Made With GM Bacteria. The Independent. 20 June 1999.

(4) Process for Producing Aspartame. European Patent Application EP0036258.


Low Vitamin C Intake May Increase Chance of Stroke

vitcWhile Vitamin C may very well be the most popular vitamin in world of Vitamins, due its powerful immunity boosting properties, many people may still be suffering from deficiencies. C is a vital nutrient in supporting a healthy lifestyle and new research has found that low levels of Vitamin C, Read more

CoQ10 May Have Significant Heart Benefits

coQ10heartImproving our heart health is by far the most important thing that we can do to boost how we feel from day to day and extend our overall life expectancy. As we all know a healthy lifestyle of exercise, proper nutrition, and a wise use of supplements is the key to our overall health, but where do we start? I like to start with what’s natural and that’s where CoQ10 comes into play. Read more

Reishi Mushrooms: Why Spores Are Better Than Ground Mushroom Body

Reshi-MushroomReishi mushrooms (ganoderma lucidum), also known as Lingzhi mushrooms, are very powerful immunity boosters and anti-inflammatory agents that have been found to have a wide variety of applications for everything from viral infections to heart disease to allergies. It’s no wonder that it has been used as a medicinal mushroom in traditional Chinese medicine for more than 2,000 years and has gained popularity with the Western medical community. Read more

Vitamin D May Slow Down the Aging Process

Vitamin D May Slow Down the Aging ProcessVitamin D is commonly known as the Sunshine Vitamin but it might soon be named the Anti-Aging Vitamin. How much do we love that!  As we all know, Vitamin D is important in absorbing other nutrients, supporting brain, bone, and skin health but new research shows that Vitamin D is especially important for people over 55. Read more

Omega-3 Fatty Acids May Reduce Risk of Breast Cancer


Is it just me or does it seem like everyone you know has jumped on the Omega-3 bandwagon? If you have noticed this trend then you are in good company, my friend. Omega-3 fatty acids are recommended by doctors all of the time, for just about everything. That’s largely due to the powerful anti-inflammatory effects Omega-3s provide. 

Read more

Members-Only Content Now At RagTagAlive

In order to make things easier for those who are paid Rag-Tag Elite™ Members, we’ve decided to make a few changes. 

Starting now all content here at RagTagResearchGeeks will be free and available to the public. 

If you are a Rag-Tag Elite™ Member and want to access your Premium, Members-Only content – such as back issues of the RagTagAlive print newsletter, discount codes for aPP and, and more, all of that will now be available at: 

If you’re not a Member you can learn how to become one there as well. There is also a lot of great new content there that is open for public viewing so we hope you go check it out! 

Meat-Heavy Diets Can Rob You of Your Calcium


A new study by researchers at the University of Wisconsin shows that high-protein diets can rob your body of calcium, even if you get plenty in your system. In fact, the study further shows that vegetables are a better source of calcium than cow milk because it doesn’t have the same protein that would absorb the calcium that your bones should be getting.

The report specifically focused on the differences in bone density in vegetarians and omnivores and found, perhaps surprisingly, a higher bone density among the vegetarians. Dr. Neil Nedley claims this is further scientific evidence that shows a higher risk of osteoperosis and loss of bone density among people with high meat diets. Past studies have also shown that people who consume too much protein were likely to have the excess protein “leeching” calcium from the bones despite meeting the daily minimum calcium intake.

There are multiple other reasons that meat-heavy diets can lead to weaker bones. Calcium is required to simply neutralize the acids found in meat. Sulfur, which is found in high concentrations in meat, also prevents your body from properly absorbing calcium. High fat content which is found in meat also combines with calcium and is eliminated from the body rather than absorbing the calcium alone.

Researchers cited vegetables as a healthier source of dietary calcium than any animal product. Among the top protein sources are soybeans, greens, lentils, kale, turnip greens, hazelnuts, figs, and leafy greens that also have other beneficial properties like helping you prevent cancer. It is also important for meat eaters to consider adding a calcium daily supplement to your diet to increase your calcium levels and prevent your proteins from making you calcium-deficient.