Week 4: Know Where You’re Going

Now that you’re beginning to reshape your self-image, your subconscious will begin to help you make choices that line up with your new vision.

Keep training your subconscious by imagining yourself at your goal and celebrating each success. It will take some time to overcome a lifetime of negative input.

Meanwhile, in order to truly help you in your effort to lose weight and regain your health, your subconscious needs a goal to strive for, a problem to solve. It needs a specific target.

And it also needs a painful consequence to avoid.

We began this process with your visualization in lesson 1, but now we want to really flesh it out and create a pathway to making it a reality.

By giving yourself not only a vivid, almost tangible goal to strive for, but also a painful negative consequence to avoid, you’ll get your mind working overtime to make sure you reach your positive goal.

And by establishing short term goals between where you are now and where you want to be, your mind will know the exact path you need to take.

Action Plan

Continue your visualizations AND your mental celebrations of success.

Plus: Take some time to sit down and work out your specific goals. The more specific the better. What do you want your weight to be in 6 months? How about 1 year? What kind of clothes will you wear? What will you be able to do that you can’t now? Take some time and really imagine how reaching your goal will feel. The more real and vivid your imagination is the more powerfully it affects your brain.

Don’t forget short term goals as well: Where would you like to be 1 week from now? 1 month? This can be a weight, an exercise goal, — anything that gets you closer to your long-term, ultimate goal.

Then I want you to take some time and think about what will happen if you don’t reach your goal. Make this image just as vivid, and make it hurt. Think of everything painful you can about NOT losing this weight. Think of all of the worst possible things that could happen, and imagine them as if they have. This is the image you’re going to refer to whenever you feel like straying from your path.

Write your goals down and put them somewhere where you’ll see them every day, and be sure you read over them at least once a day.

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