66% of Krill Oil Supplements FAILED Independent Testing

  • Independent testing by ConsumerLabs found 1/3 of Krill Oil supplements tested did not meet basic standards for purity and label claims
  • Another 1/3 were cited for having “very low levels” of the active ingredients
  • The krill oil market is flooded with lower-cost, half-strength options that may not even be as effective as basic fish oil

Here’s how the top products stack up in the numbers that matter:

One Product Clearly Has More Bang For Your Buck


What the Numbers Mean:

Phospholipids are WHY krill oil is better than fish oil. They are the foundation holding everything else up because they make the Omega-3 twice as available to the cells in your body that need it.

Even 10 or 20 MG difference here can make a huge difference in the effectiveness of your krill oil.

EPA/DHA Are the specific Omega-3’s that deliver the benefits you’re looking for. Again, every MG counts – coming up short here is like coming up short when it’s time to pay the bills. If there’s not enough to go around, there’s just not enough to go around.

Astaxanthin is the antioxidant powerhouse that give salmon the stamina to swim upstream. It’ the other reason krill oil beats fish oil, and even tiny differences here can mean the difference between get-up-and-go, and got-up-and-went.

Why “Good Enough” – Simply Isn’t

We’re not talking about just any supplement. Krill oil is about your heart, your brain, your overall levels of pain.

If you buy a supplement that has less of the active ingredients… well why bother at all?

What if the difference between half-strength and full potency means the difference between having a heart attack or not? Between lessened cognitive ability or staying sharp as a tack?

What if “almost as good” isn’t good enough to stop your pain? As you think about it this way you begin to see why every MG matters.

Because this isn’t a one-time supplement. Over the course of a year even close numbers add up. And like compound interest, you’ll never know the benefits you could have had if you’d only gone with the higher numbers from the beginning.

Bottom Line: You Want Krill Oil That Works.

Krill oil companies use a lot of different tactics on their web pages to try and stand out. To make you think they have the best product for you.

Unfortunately, most are pointing to things that don’t really matter to your overall health. That way they can ignore the fact that they’re offering a watered-down or half-strength product instead of one that is full of potency.

What about the other ways krill oil companies try to “stand out” from the rest? Things like:

Purity and Potency

Several of the above point to independent lab results saying they do indeed contain what the label says and are free from impurities and contaminants.

While all claim to “guarantee purity,” only Red W____ and Everest link to actual lab reports and show real numbers.

Dr. Mercola, Suppliers and TMA

Dr. Mercola recently switched his supplier and now his krill oil is supplied by Neptune, the first company to bring krill oil supplements to the market.

Unfortunately, when he updated his website he kept some test results, and claims based on them, that actually pertain to his former supplier instead of Neptune:

Actual Image From Mercola.com. Click To Enlarge.

We also have been provided a copy of the report Dr. Mercola refers to here. And the results he spotlights are for a completely different manufacturer. In fact, Neptune is not mentioned in this report at all – we don’t know if it was one of the others tested against the winning supplier or not as the other companies are not named.

The question we have – sort of like when KrillOil.com claims to be the “official krill oil website” (as if all the Krill in the Southern Ocean got together and voted for them) – is this: If companies will be dishonest about issues such as these, how do we know we can trust anything else they say?

Here are some of the other claims krill oil companies use to make themselves seem like a better choice, even though their products are of weaker potency:

Manufactured In The USA

All of the products above are manufactured in the USA in GMP certified facilities.

Capliques vs Softgels

Not one study has been conducted finding that Capliques are any better absorbed than softgels. There’s simply NO scientific evidence that they’re any better. To the contrary, they are prone to leakage, often ruining entire bottles before they can even be delivered.

What About Freshness?

All krill oil is harvested in a limited time period each year. The Southern Ocean around Antarctica is not exactly easy sailing. The great majority of krill oil supplements available at any given time were all harvested within a couple months of each other, during the limited time when conditions are favorable.

No Fish Burps Or Fishy Smell

This is true of ALL krill oil products, whether caplique or softgel.

All too often companies that focus on these points, rather than what their krill oil contains, are trying to divert your attention from the fact that they are too weak to be effective.

So What Do We Recommend?

As we evaluated all the krill oil supplements on the market, we were looking for two things: 1, they had to meet the standards for RTR Geek Approval™ (those standards are listed here), and 2, they had to be potent enough to really make a difference for you.

Of all the krill oil supplements we’ve looked at, only a few lived up to basic potency standards. Only one surpassed them.

It’s called Red W____ Krill Oil™.

The Rag-Tag Research Geeks Recommend:
Red W____ Krill Oil™

This is one of our favorite products in all the supplement world! Red W____ Krill Oil™ has the highest concentrations of everything that makes Krill Oil effective, plus extra astaxanthin. It is the most potent krill oil supplement we can find!

As you can see on the label above, Red W____™ contains:

  • 420 MG Phospholipids (That’s 42%!)
  • 300 MG Omega-3’s with 150 MG EPA/ 90 MG DHA
  • A full 2.5 MG astaxanthin – a full 1MG added for super potency.

Label Accuracy/ Purity Guaranteed: See Lab Report Here

Krill Oil’s Dirty Little Secret

Here’s something you probably haven’t heard on any other website: Not ALL of the fatty acids in krill oil are in phospholipid form. Every single krill oil product, even the ones that contain the right amount of phospholipids, contain at least 1/3 lower-quality triglycerides. These fatty acids aren’t even as good as the ones in a good fish oil supplement. It’s how krill are created by nature.

But there is one exception.

Red W____ Krill Oil™ doesn’t claim to be “pure” krill oil. It is a blend – and for two very good reasons. One, it has added astaxanthin. Astaxanthin is the antioxidant powerhouse that gives salmon the stamina to swim upstream and spawn. It delivers a host of benefits, and when taken with the phospholipids in krill oil is even more powerful than higher doses of isolated astaxanthin supplements.

Better still, Red W____ has removed the low quality triglycerides and replaced them with higher quality fish oil triglycerides. So you get all the phospholipids from krill oil (and a higher percentage of those as well – 42% instead of 40%) Plus you get a higher quality version of all the “other” fatty acids present.

Which makes Red W____ Krill Oil™ unlike anything else on the market today.

As you might expect then, in most places, Red W____ Krill Oil™ is more expensive than the products we looked at above. But are you REALLY saving any money if a product does nothing for you?

We think not.

Has This Information Helped You?

Before we tell you a few places where you can get Red W____™, we’d just like to say that if this information has been helpful to you, you can get a lot more by becoming a member. In addition to cool benefits, membership helps make sure this site stays up and running to help as many people as possible.

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So as we said we wholeheartedly recommend you choose Red W____ Krill Oil™. But since we don’t sell anything on this site, the question is…

??? Where To Get It ???

More and more retailers carry Red W____ Krill Oil™ every day. You can find several of them by searching Google, of we’ve listed a few of our favorites below.

1. StillSmilin.com — relative newcomer, they are attracting customers with very low trial prices and automatic monthly shipments. This is a perfect service for people serious about staying healthy, long term, and that’s exactly what we are all about, so we wholeheartedly support what they are building!

Get Red W—- Krill Oil™ from StillSmilin.com

2. Amazon.com — perhaps the largest retailer online. Is there anything they don’t sell?

Get Red W—- Krill Oil™ from Amazon.com

3. aProvenProduct — Sells all the products we recommend and has the best customer service anywhere.

Get Red W—- Krill Oil™ from aProvenProduct.com


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