Garcinia Cambogia : What Is It & How Does it Work?


I read through the information, for the third time.  It was still garble to my non-scientific brain.  Even with all the research I do, it often takes me several times to decipher the codes scientist write in.  I rubbed my eyes and headed for the coffee maker – again.  It was going to take another cup of caffeine to help me with translation. 

I know you can relate.  Too many times, we find ourselves staring at a page filled with words that seem more like a riddle than information.  This particular riddle is known as Garcinia Cambogia.  It’s now the biggest supplement craze in the country.  A craze that began when a particularly popular TV Doc called it “the Holy Grail of Weight Loss” on his insanely popular TV talk show.  So what is it?  Garcinia Cambogia is a small fruit shaped very similar to a pumpkin. And lately, the extract from this little fruit is all the rage in the weight loss arena.

According to the hype, the natural extract from the rind of the fruit (Hydroxycitric Acid or HCA) could hasten weight loss efforts.  Some researchers claim that HCA can double or even triple weight loss.

But, first things first – It’s important to understand that not all Garcinia Cambogia Extracts are created equal.  Only high quality Garcinia Cambogia like used in studies will offer the chance at the results shown in the research.

To be more specific, it must be 100% pure (not synthetic) and have a high concentration of the active ingredient, HCA, with no fillers, binders or added ingredients.

Why is a high concentration of Hydroxycitric Acid (HCA) needed? Because in clinical studies a high concentration was found to be effective.   One particular study, that can be found in the Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism Journal, shows that participants lost a significant amount of body fat and explains that calcium can decrease the absorption of HCA which hinders its effectiveness.

While many supplements exert only one effect on the body, Garcinia Cambogia sets itself apart as having many possible benefits.  In addition to aiding in weight loss, research also states that HCA has been shown to increase serotonin availability, reduce appetite, increase fat oxidation, improve blood lipid levels, and reduce body weight.

What does this mean for us?  In English (non-scientifically put), the fat that we store in unwanted places actually happens because of unused energy which is converted by enzymes into fatty deposits.  The HCA in Garcinia Cambogia works by blocking these enzymes and preventing the formation of these fatty deposits (fat oxidation).

Consequently, the body starts to burn these stored fat cells by breaking down their protective proteins, known as perilipin. This allows fat deposits to be released and burned for energy rather instead of settling on our hips!  I know, every woman likes the sound of that.

So, by taking Garcinia Cambogia, we are burning the fat we have stored and preventing more fat from forming.  HCA gives your metabolism the boost it needs to break down more fat and it blocks enzymes that convert energy to fat. 

Now the question is, how do you know you’re getting the quality Garcinia Cambogia needed to do the job?  That’s where we come in.  Our awesome team of Rag Tag Geeks have done the research for you.  As always, we seek out the highest quality version (based on scientific research) and that’s the product we recommend.  You can find our recommendation for Garcinia Cambogia here.

Oh, and, as always, we give you the facts in English.  Caffeine is optional.  


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