Krill Oil vs Fish Oil: What the Science Says


Is krill oil really better than fish oil? What makes the difference?

More importantly, is it worth the extra price?

Well there has been quite a lot of study on this, and you might be surprised what the science has to say about how krill oil stacks up against fish oil.

What Makes The Difference?

Both krill oil and fish oil contain the Omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA. However krill oil has them in the form of phospholipids, the same chemical structure as those found in the membranes of our cells. Fish oil has them in the form of triglycerides.  This study found that the phospholipid structure is better absorbed and utilized, while this one found krill oil was just as effective as fish oil at lower doses.

How Krill Oil Compares To Fish Oil For Specific Issues


When compared head to head in humans, this study found krill oil was “significantly more effective” in reducing glucose, triglycerides and LDL levels than fish oil.


When compared head to head, krill oil “markedly outperformed fish oil” for relieving painful cramps and bloating of PMS. In addition, at both 45 and 90 day check-ups subjects taking krill oil had “significantly improved depressive symptoms” where fish oil had done nothing.


This study found that krill oil was more effective than fish oil in reducing the symptoms of arthritis in mice.

Weight Loss or Maintenance:

Hepatic lipogenisis is the process by which the body converts extra cabrohydrates to fat. This study found Krill Oil inhibited this process to a much greater degree than fish oil.

Of course, it matters what kind of krill oil you take if you want these results. Inferior grades of krill oil have less EPA and DHA, less astaxanthin.. and really aren’t much better than taking a cheaper fish oil supplement. Find out about the krill oil supplement we recommend here.

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