Archive for apy_ljm

Osteoporosis and Soda


How many of you drink soda? Okay, a lot of us do. Now, how many of you drink a cola or a diet cola? Have you ever thought about soda and osteoporosis?

Me neither. My soda of choice is cola. I’ve been trying to cut back on soda for years, because of the calories and sugar, but I just came across some research that has me convinced that I need to really watch my cola consumption… Read more

Are You Getting Enough Vitamin D to Prevent Cancer?


We’re constantly hearing about the various benefits of Vitamin D, and some of the most exciting news is that it can reduce the risk of many cancers.

So there’s this short little article that mentions that a lot of Americans don’t get enough vitamin D. Since we get our vitamin D from the sun, I know that a lot of you are shocked by this news. I mean, we all get plenty of sunshine, right? (Yeah, I know, this is another thing we hear a lot).

So how much Vitamin D do we need to reduce our cancer risk? And are we getting it? Read more

Bone Health and Vitamin K

Senior Couple

So, have you heard of vitamin K? It’s not a surprise if you haven’t – we just don’t seem to get a lot of news about it, but it turns out that vitamin K can do some great things.

Vitamin K is best known for playing a vital role in helping blood clot and for preventing excessive bleeding. It turns out that vitamin K also has an impact on hardened arteries. For instance, researchers found that women with aortic atherosclerosis have lower intakes of vitamin K. Read more

High Cholesterol and High Blood Pressure – Drugs vs Supplements


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently said that Americans with high blood pressure and high cholesterol aren’t doing enough to treat their conditions.

The researchers mentioned that both issues can be treated at a low cost for the patient. However, outside of cost, I’m wondering if they considered the side effects of the medication that patients take for treatment? Read more

Calcium Supplements and Kidney Stones


Few things in life are as painful as kidney stones. So if something I’m doing will contribute to them, I want to know so I can do something about it.

Is there a link between calcium supplements and kidney stones? Are some forms of calcium more or less dangerous than others?

Find out what researchers have been saying in this clip from our webinar, “Why Your Calcium Supplement Could Be Endangering Your Health. Read more

Calcium Supplements Aren’t Working


We faithfully take calcium supplements because they’re good for us. But are they actually working? Are we wasting our money?

Find out what calcium supplements are actually doing for us in this short clip from our webinar, “Why Your Calcium Supplement Could Be Endangering Your Health. Read more

Calcium Supplements – A Better Absorbed Calcium

Hip Xray

There are actually a lot of calcium supplements to choose from. Which one is the best for the money?

Are some forms of calcium better for you? Are some safer than others?

Well, check out this a clip from our webinar, “Why Your Calcium Supplement Could Be Endangering Your Health“, where we discuss the one we’ve found to be the safer, better absorbed choice. Read more

Why Your Calcium Supplement Could Be Endangering Your Health

woman in hospital

Calcium supplements seem as safe and normal as orange juice – just something else you pick up at the grocery store. That’s why we were so surprised to find out otherwise.

Turns out taking calcium the wrong way could have devastating impact on your health.

This video’s a condensed version of our webinar, “Why Your Calcium Supplement Could Be Endangering Your Health“. Read more