Archive for Calcium Supplements

Calcium As A Weight Loss Supplement?


The internet is full of weight loss fads. Just last week, Dr. Oz did a show on HCG and declared it a risky idea. One thing he said struck me: There was no science supporting the idea that HCG can help you lose weight. Yet there were people who were willing to pay $800 for a 12 week treatment with it.

I’ve been overweight and I totally understand that desire. But what those people don’t understand is there is something with much more science behind it, that costs a LOT less money. Read more

Beyond Bone Health: Benefits Of The Right Calcium Formula


 Here is #2 in our series of Podcasts with Dr. Sharon Livingston.

We know the right calcium formula can strengthen our bones and help prevent osteoporosis. But did you know there are other exciting benefits to these powerful nutrients?

If you suffer from high blood pressure, diabetes, PMS… or any number of other issues… you’ll want to hear this: Read more

Osteoporosis Myths That Kill Women


Think you know all the facts when it comes to preventing osteoporosis?

In this fun and engaging podcast, Dr Sharon Livingston discoveres the shocking truth!

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Vitamin D and Getting Some Rays


Thinking about stepping out into the sun for a bit to get some rays and some vitamin D? Hold that thought…

The National Council on Skin Cancer Prevention has released a position statement on Vitamin D. And it may surprise you, especially since we’re often told how we need to get some sun in order to get the D we need.  Read more

What form of calcium is in the calcium product?

We’ve gotten a lot of questions about coral calcium and whether or not it’s a good form for calcium supplements.

Well, despite the hype, the answer may surprise you.

If you want the real story on coral calcium, check out the video below: Read more

Can you get enough calcium from diet alone?


We Geeks often hear other “experts” recommending you get your daily calcium intake from diet alone. They act all pious as if this more “natural” way is so much superior. And generally this is true.

So it seems like it should be easy enough to get enough calcium from your diet alone, right? Well, let’s dig into this a bit… Read more

Men can get osteoporosis too?


Hey, how many of you believe that osteoporosis is a woman’s disease – raise your hand?

Wait, I’m still counting. 😉 Just kidding, you can put your hands down. I’m asking because I was looking through the National Osteoporosis Foundation site and came across this great section about men and osteoporosis. Read more

Calcium Supplements and Fractures

Mother and daughter

Does taking a calcium supplement really make a difference? Or is it one of those things that are kind of like basic liability car insurance – most never use it so it’s OK to get the basic version, as long as you’re covered?

Well, turns out calcium supplements are a whole different kind of insurance policy. More like an investment, actually. Read more

Calcium Supplements and Kidney Stones


Few things in life are as painful as kidney stones. So if something I’m doing will contribute to them, I want to know so I can do something about it.

Is there a link between calcium supplements and kidney stones? Are some forms of calcium more or less dangerous than others?

Find out what researchers have been saying in this clip from our webinar, “Why Your Calcium Supplement Could Be Endangering Your Health. Read more

Calcium Supplements Aren’t Working


We faithfully take calcium supplements because they’re good for us. But are they actually working? Are we wasting our money?

Find out what calcium supplements are actually doing for us in this short clip from our webinar, “Why Your Calcium Supplement Could Be Endangering Your Health. Read more