Archive for GeekGuest2

More Vitamin C May Mean Better Lung Function

Woman smelling a lemon.

We know that Vitamin C plays a significant role in keeping your metabolism, heart, bones, and just about everything else healthy. Now, new research has found that a diet rich in Vitamin C and magnesium is crucial in improving lung function.

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One Effortless Way to Get Your Focus ‘On’

Find Focus

When I was in college, I had a hard time focusing. It would take me forever to slog through assignments because I couldn’t focus. 

I did everything but my homework… starting with innocently organizing my desk… then my room… then flat out ditching my tasks to watch endless episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Finally, at the last minute (2 a.m., usually), magical inspiration dust would fall on me, and I’d suddenly be able to read or write my way through hundreds of pages.

College would have been tons easier if I had an all-powerful “focus switch” that I could turn on whenever I needed it.

Well, science has discovered that “focus switch”—and it was hiding in my kitchen the whole time! It’s safe, effective, and can be used daily without side effects. 

That switch is called l-theanine.  Read more

Vitamin C Linked to Better Sleep


Getting a full night’s sleep isn’t just important to feel rested the next morning, it is crucial to keeping your metabolism and immune system functioning at their best and preventing problems like obesity, diabetes, and brain disorders.

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Can You Overdose on Vitamin C?


I grew up in California. Oceanside, to be specific.

… Okay, that’s a lie. I actually grew up in Vista, a landlocked hovel about 10 miles outside Oceanside.  According to my parents, it was a positively awful neighborhood—full of violence, unearthly screams during the night, and definitely no place to raise a child. Read more

Low Vitamin C Intake May Increase Chance of Stroke

vitcWhile Vitamin C may very well be the most popular vitamin in world of Vitamins, due its powerful immunity boosting properties, many people may still be suffering from deficiencies. C is a vital nutrient in supporting a healthy lifestyle and new research has found that low levels of Vitamin C, Read more

CoQ10 May Have Significant Heart Benefits

coQ10heartImproving our heart health is by far the most important thing that we can do to boost how we feel from day to day and extend our overall life expectancy. As we all know a healthy lifestyle of exercise, proper nutrition, and a wise use of supplements is the key to our overall health, but where do we start? I like to start with what’s natural and that’s where CoQ10 comes into play. Read more

Reishi Mushrooms: Why Spores Are Better Than Ground Mushroom Body

Reshi-MushroomReishi mushrooms (ganoderma lucidum), also known as Lingzhi mushrooms, are very powerful immunity boosters and anti-inflammatory agents that have been found to have a wide variety of applications for everything from viral infections to heart disease to allergies. It’s no wonder that it has been used as a medicinal mushroom in traditional Chinese medicine for more than 2,000 years and has gained popularity with the Western medical community. Read more

Vitamin D May Slow Down the Aging Process

Vitamin D May Slow Down the Aging ProcessVitamin D is commonly known as the Sunshine Vitamin but it might soon be named the Anti-Aging Vitamin. How much do we love that!  As we all know, Vitamin D is important in absorbing other nutrients, supporting brain, bone, and skin health but new research shows that Vitamin D is especially important for people over 55. Read more

Omega-3 Fatty Acids May Reduce Risk of Breast Cancer


Is it just me or does it seem like everyone you know has jumped on the Omega-3 bandwagon? If you have noticed this trend then you are in good company, my friend. Omega-3 fatty acids are recommended by doctors all of the time, for just about everything. That’s largely due to the powerful anti-inflammatory effects Omega-3s provide. 

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