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Seven Reasons Chia Seeds Rock

dark chia

It’s a tiny little seed but chia packs quite a punch when it comes to nutrition. You might remember it best from the Chia Pet commercials, but before it grows atop a small clay head as chia hair, it starts out as a seed, high in Omega-3’s and antioxidants good for your hair, nails, skin and immune system.

Chia seeds are also gluten free!

Not only are chia seeds good for you, there are quite a few uses for them. Here are just seven of the ways chia seeds are awesome.

  1. Chia seeds help fill you up! Chia seeds are a great source of soluble fiber and can absorb up to 12 times their volume. That means chia seeds act as a natural appetite suppressant merely because they’re filling! You can add them to anything from yogurt and smoothies to salads and baked goods.

  2. Chia seeds are popular with runners because they really absorb water. You can add them to your water bottle before a workout to keep you hydrated!
  3. Chia seeds have no taste but because of their ability to absorb, they actually amplify the taste of the foods that they are added to. For instance, when added to chocolate pudding, the pudding tastes even chocolatier! Which is a big bonus.
  4. When you put chia seeds in water, it can make a gel which you can use in place of part of the butter in a recipe. Here’s how to make chia gel.
  5. You can also use chia seeds as an egg substitute in some recipes.
  6. Chia gel is known to ease symptoms from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Because they absorb water, chia irrigates as it travels through your body, keeping very important parts, like your digestive tract, hydrated.
  7. Chia also contains calcium, so you can kick cravings that have to do with calcium (hello, ice cream!)

Learn more about the chia seeds we recommend here.

How to Make Chia Gel


Chia seeds, like flax seeds, are widely known as a “super seed” because of their absorption properties and their rich nutritional value.

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Bananas as Good as Gatorade For Sports Performance


A recent study that monitored 14 trained male cyclists under age 45 has found that bananas are equally beneficial to sports performance as the popular sports drink Gatorade. The study, aptly titled ‘Bananas and Exercise Metabolism’, was performed to research how Gatorade, which is the drink of choice of most athletes, stacks up against more natural fruit alternatives in giving athletes that extra metabolic kick.

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Supplements To Take For Better Hair Health


We all want thicker, healthier hair, but whether because of genetics, processing, or poor diet, we often have to combat thinning, gray, or over-processed hair.  Luckily, there are a number of supplements that we can take to level the playing field and get your hair growing thicker, shinier, and even darker.

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Sinless Cocktails and Treats?


By Tamara Jacobi

The holidays are coming! Friends, family, treats and temptation are sure to be bountiful. Why not add a healthy twist to your holiday treats? Are healthy margaritas and brownies too good to be true? Lucky for us, the answer is no! I highly recommend that you give these simple recipes a try.  Not only are they healthy, they’re tasty too!

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Study Finds Omega-3 Supplements Combat Depression In the Elderly

Brain Health Supplements -

New research adds to the many reasons why we should all be taking an omega-3 supplement. Many of us are already aware that omega-3 supplements boost heart health and lower triglycerides. Read more

Experts Agree to Disagree on New Vitamin D Guidelines

Stop Wasting Time With Vitamin D Supplements That Don't Work -

So you think you spend enough time in the sun and drink two glasses of milk a day, but how do you know if you’re really getting enough of the sunshine vitamin? Although we may think we are getting an ample amount of vitamin D from natural sources, studies suggest nearly three-quarters of teens and adults are vitamin D deficient Read more

Best Snacks for Healthy Weight Loss


By Tamara Jacobi

Can snacking actually help you lose weight? Potentially . . . if you’re a smart snacker!

The jury is out as to whether or not the act of snacking itself supports weight loss; everyone is unique in this regard. For some, snacking is largely responsible for those extra pounds (snacks are a common source of extra calories). For others, snacking is essential for keeping the tummy from rumbling, ensuring that energy levels stay high, and preventing over-eating.

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Nutrients For Better Brain Health

Omega-3 Sources - Boost! Brain Health -

It makes sense that what we consume on a regular basis affects every inch of our body. What people tend to forget however, is the brain.  Eating right, staying health and supplementing with vitamins and minerals prolongs healthy functionality.

Omega-3 fatty or docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)

DHA is an Omega-3 fatty acid that is found in plentiful supply in the brain and is critical for Read more

How Widespread is Vitamin D Deficiency?


A team of doctors from the McGill University Health Centre in Canada concluded that an estimation of 59% of the population as a whole were deficient in Vitamin D. They stated “Most people also do not consume enough vitamin D-rich food to obtain adequate amounts of it.” You could overcome this lack of Vitamin D intake through the use of supplementation easily.

How many of us can honestly say that we believe our exposure to the sun is enough to produce enough Vitamin D to stay healthy? Read more